Human Connection Driven Digital Strategy
So, you landed on the process page of a Digital Marketing & Creative Strategy firm….
You must be super serious about growing your business online. You must be prepared for jargony, technical, mathematical language. You’re probably expecting us to use the word “algorithm” in the next paragraph. Guess what? We aren’t like all those other guys. We’re sure you’ve heard this before, but we’re different. Really different.
What can you expect when you work with Mountain Laurel Digital?
Audit and Analysis
There’s a time and place for data and this is it!
Competitive Audit and Analysis
Know your direct competitors as well as you know yourself so that you can evolve to better meet consumer needs.
Persona Research and Profiling
We are experts in getting inside the beautiful minds of your customers. Remember: if you can anticipate what it takes to meet their needs, you’ll win their hearts, and the internet!
Keyword Research and Persona Mapping, Content Goal Mapping
We discover the exact phrases your customers are using, and help them along their journeys by optimizing your site with the information and content they seek.
Matching Search Intent Keywords to Website Content
Time to implement! You’ve found the precious phrases and questions on your customers’ minds. Now let’s speak their language on your site [and provide expert answers and solutions].
Writing of Title Tags and Meta Descriptions
We craft a deliberate meta description for your site so that you make the most impactful first impression on your customers when you show up in their searches.
We also make best friends with Google by giving it the title tags it can work best with so that it plays nice and helps you help your customers.
Tracking Website Updates to Keyword and Traffic Results
SEO and web strategy is a very active process. We continually change keywords based on traffic and response.
Create a Search Intent Content Plan
Let's provide your customers with the answers they want and become their favorite resource! As the old idiom goes, “give and you shall receive!”
Analysis and Optimize Search Result Experience
We regularly tailor strategy based on your site’s performance. Rinse and repeat. SEO is an ever-evolving journey and we are here to help you own it!
Are you surprised that our process was void of jargony, technical, mathematical language?
We still like hard data, and we still nerd out over technical prowess. However, we also know that SEO, brand messaging and website strategy requires looking at the actual human beings that choose to do business with you. We want to get inside their minds, to figure out what they need, what they know (and don’t know), and what inspires them. To do this, our team prioritizes brand cadence with performance marketing focused results.
By really committing to knowing your customers and their nuances, we can position you as an online resource and oasis. Make yourself useful to your customers, and the [online] world is yours!
Interested in learning more? Send us a message to connect. Alternatively, you can email us at or call us at (919) 491-5611
Interested in our monthly plans or a digital audit project? Check out the Services page to learn more!